
Freezing for Funds Shirts are in! Please pick up from 3-7 pm at Godfrey Village Hall the evening before the event on Friday 1/5/2024. See you at the event 🥶1/6/2024 10:00 a.m. Glazebrook Park👍🏻‼️

The founding members of Freezing For Funds are Craig Lombardi, Cami Beaber Giertz, Tawnya Hooper, and Trisha Deanne Perks. All from the Alton High School class of 1986. This idea was born after a class reunion. In the Fall of 2022, someone suggested we create a fundraiser.

After some discussion, it was decided we’d jump in a cold lake in the Winter. Whose big idea that was we can’t remember. Regardless, we put together a flyer and went out and promoted the heck out of it.

We were blessed to have many local business become sponsors. We were also fortunate to find that there were lots of other nutty people out there who wanted to try to get frostbite along with us.

After a brief hiatus, we’re back for 2024. We’d love to see your lips turn blue along with the rest of us!

Event Details

Saturday 1/6/2024 @ 10:00 AM
Glazebrook Park Lake by the concession stand
1401 Stamper Ln, Godfrey, IL 62035
Registration Deadline 12/22/2023

Individual Donation

If you would like to donate but not participate, we accept any amount to help with our overall charitable donation.


If you would like to participate, the donation amount is $30. This includes an event long sleeved t-shirt and allows you to participate in the plunge.


Although it was freezing, I had a blast. It was for a good cause and a fun time was had by all.

― Anthony

I love that a group of people got together and decided to just do something for charity. It’s great to see everyday citizens get involved in their community.

― Megan